Below are the steps required for successful installation of PHP CoderSniffer with Drupal coding standard on Windows using gitbash.
1. Open you gitbash and check for composer path:
$ which composer
2. If you get composer not found or similar, follow Composer's installation instructions.
3. Install latest stable release of Coder Globally:
$ composer global require drupal/coder
On Windows, the path may look like C:/Users/<WindowsUsername>/AppData/Roaming/Composer.
4. Below command will show you the installed location:
$ composer global show -P
5. Make your coder version the preferred source:
$ composer global update drupal/coder --prefer-source
6. On Windows, To have phpcs and phpcbf globally update your ~/.bashrc file to include:
$ export PATH="$HOME/AppData/Roaming/Composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"
7. Install Drupal coding standard through plugin:
$ composer global require dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer
8. Manually set installed path:
$ phpcs --config-set installed_paths
9. Verify registered standard:
$ phpcs -i
Now you should be able to use phpcs and phpcbf commands on your module files.
e.g. $ phpcs --standard=Drupal <my module path>/*
Auto correct coding standard issues found by the above command:
$ phpcbf --standard=Drupal <my module path>/*
Please remember that manually review your code after auto correction to avoid any unnecessary changes introduce by phpcbf itself.
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