PHPUnit Test : Write a Test Method Very Quickly For Your Actual Method!
I have written a single method
'testPhpUnit' inside Utility.php which will run 2 times through the data provider method 'providerTestPhpUnit'.
One will be succeeded and another will
* @file
* Unit tests (PHPUnit) to test your methods.
* Class UnitTestUtilityValidate.
* Test method.
* @param string $test_string
* The string to be tested.
* @param string $expected_string
* The string we are expecting.
* @dataProvider providerTestPhpUnit
public function testPhpUnit($test_string, $expected_string) {
$this->assertEquals($test_string, $expected_string);
* Data provider to testPhpUnit().
* @see testPhpUnit
public function providerTestPhpUnit() {
$arr_csv_data[0][0] = xyz::actualMethodToBeTest('Hello');
$arr_csv_data[0][1] = 'Hello';
$arr_csv_data[1][0] = xyz::actualMethodToBeTest('Hello1');
$arr_csv_data[1][1] = 'Hello2';
return $arr_csv_data;
* Class xyz.
* Actual class where your actual method will be implemented.
Class xyz {
* Actual method to be tested.
* @param string $val
* The string we are testing.
* return string
* The output value that we need to test against the expected value.
public static function actualMethodToBeTest(string $val) {
return $val;
$ phpunit -c phpunit.xml --filter
UnitTestUtilityValidate /www/demodrupal/sites/all/modules/custom/utility/unit_tests/UnitTestUtilityValidate.php
Thanks for the blog. Explained in detailed way